Frankie has now finished school for the summer and in September she will be going into sixth form, which means goodbye school uniform and hello jazzy clothes with bows. Frankie is looking forward to being the one in the best clothes and getting to rule the school with being one of the oldest there.
Frankie would usually spend her summer holidays in Italy, but unfortunately this year it isn’t possible because of the virus. So we have tried to book lots of exciting activities at home and have ended up with a very busy summer planned. Luckily, Frankie has been given lots of respite club days and sleepovers as well as having a holiday to the beach planned. Oh, and don’t forget all of the shopping, swimming, hot tub and dinner dates planned. We just need the weather to go with it!
One activity Frankie is hoping we will be able to do is horse riding. Frankie is waiting for her new horse to be trained fully, so she can start her horse riding again. Frankie would usually go to a horse-riding centre for children with disabilities, where the horses are fully trained and there is fantastic equipment to help wheelchair users get on and off the horses and we cannot forget the amazing volunteers that help out there to keep the fantastic centre running.
We know that the virus is still with us, but we are trying our best to keep safe and positive but also start to adventure out and start trying to live again.
Maybe, if you are lucky, you will get to see Princess Doodle on the beach!

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