First and foremost, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Or at least as wonderful as they could be! Both Doodle and I had lovely celebrations at home with our families, making sure we had lots of food, drinks, and different Christmas jumpers on show throughout the festive period. Doodle loved every single present she received this year and was incredibly grateful for all of them.

New year’s celebrations were slightly different going into 2021 but we knew it would have been different and maybe a little difficult for some of you with everything going on and not being able to spend the time with loved ones. Doodle and I celebrated with many drinks, lots of food and many laughs (which is the same as most weeks!).

Doodle is still off school currently, so we are trying our best to keep being positive and do a little bit of home schooling, but it is mostly ending up with reading many children’s books for hours upon end. Doodle is loving all the different books, but there is none more special than the books about her! We have spent time trying new foods, and Doodle has now found a love for hot chocolates!!!!! which is perfect with the current weather being cold and wet!

Doodle and I have been coming up with some new ideas and have started writing some new drafts for our books. The dream is for Doodle to have a collection of books about the adventures we go on and it is safe to say, we have been on plenty!

We are both hoping that the lockdown ends soon so that we can go on more adventures and trying out new activities as Doodle is missing out on going to theme parks, trampoline parks and even the pub!

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