So here is my first blog post…and I am not sure how they are going to go, but I am going to give it my best shot! I have thought long and hard about different topics that I could talk about or give advice on but I thought that the most rewarding topic for myself and those of you who read this would be to talk about Frankie Doodle, who my book (My Doodle is a Little Different) is all about, and update you all on her weekly adventures and activities.
This first post is something slightly different to the other planned ones as I wanted to give you an insight into who my best friend is and what she is like as a person.

Frankie’s life so far has been focused on finding her a “cure” and raising money for science research to produce some sort of medication to bring back her speech. Recently we have thought, “does it really matter she can’t talk?”. It just means we have had to learn to communicate in different ways, for Frankie, this means if she sticks out her finger and points, it means “bring me snacks”.
The aim of the book is to show Frankie that Rett Syndrome is part of her and that she is the same as everyone else and that she can do everything everyone else can do, even without any speech. It would also be amazing for more people to gain knowledge of Rett Syndrome and other unique disabilities. Frankie is such a loving, full of life character and the world needs to see her.
Even though the world is on pause at the moment, we still managed to have loads of fun during October half term. My partner and I took Frankie to an indoor trampoline park where we had hours of bouncing and fun; Frankie and I got bored towards the end so we sat down on the trampoline and my partner bounced us both. After that we adventured to the arcade where we spent lots of dad’s money but only won some sweets. The following day we set off to Gulliver’s land theme park where we went on lots of different rides and ended up getting very wet on the log flume; then felt very sick from the banana swing. On the last day of half term, one of our friends joined us and the four of us, squashed in my partners little car, we went to mead open farm for fright night. All the staff was amazing all week and we couldn’t thank them enough.
Lets start getting ready for Christmas now and wait and see what happens…

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