We are excited to announce our new logo for Doodles Books. Our aim is building a series of children’s books about Doodle and her best friend Rosie and how they go on adventures, have lots of fun, go swimming, horse riding and on holidays, despite Doodle being in a wheelchair. We thought by creating a logo this could help to promote our Doodles Books and start to create a brand that people recognise throughout social media and in person. We thought the new logo is fun and eye catching and sends the message straight away that the brand is about books and wheelchairs.

Our goal is to help people to gain more knowledge about Rett Syndrome and all other disabilities and special needs through our fun, colourful children’s books, showing children that everyone is the same and every child can achieve their fullest potential.

Our next Doodle book is “My Doodle goes on Holiday” and is in the process of being created. It is based on a true story of when Doodle and Rosie went away on holiday for 4 nights by themselves and the trouble they got in while they were there.

“200 miles away from home… 5 days, 4 nights, 3 massive suitcases, 2 teenagers and 1 wheelchair… What could possibly go wrong? Oh, and also, one credit card from dad!”

We hope you like our new logo and stay connected for more updates on the new book.


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